I want to thanks all for your support and active participation in this blog give-away. Thanks for all the wonderful comments and spending some time reading my blog =) I appreciate all your kind comments and I read all of them, giving my best to improve my designs, blog and website.

I had spent some time yesterday night counting and writing all names onto small pieces of paper, drop them into a box cover. In total, there are 116 entries! I had my little sis to help me pick a lucky parent for Aloysius.
The winner of Wayneston Bears 1st Blog give-away is....
Drum Roll....5, 4, 3, 2, 1....
"Darcy Bishop!"
Congratulation on winning Aloysius!
Thanks for your participation, kindly send me your contact details and mailing address =)
*Kindly send me the details within 3 days, if not another lucky winner will be picked from the box.
Some updates on my current activities...
I am making a few bears and critters for Teddies Worldwide Online Show and The Singapore Teddy Bear Show, hence no new bears will be ready for adoption online this month.
I am also updating my website for the Teddies Worldwide Online Show, in addition Wayneston Bears can be adopted from my website.
Sneak preview of my new bears will be ready soon in the next few weeks so stay tune! We hope everyone have a great weekend!
With lots of Love,