Bon Voyage my little ones, hope you'll find new friends in USA. I'll miss you, I am sure you'll miss me too wouldn't you?

A friend asked me a question on facebook before...
"Wayne, I have no bear making talents. :-( When I see all the beautiful bears that are handmade with such love I want them all! How do you artists let them go? I realize you make them for a living but I would want to keep every one. I'm glad you can let them go to good homes because if your didn't, there would be a lot of unhappy people in the world. :-) "
My reply:
I think the same too before I am a bear artist. But after I start to make more and more i realise practise makes prefect. Everytime i make, I will do my best to make a even better piece. It's hard to let go sometimes, but I need to let them go out to see this beautiful world - places that I can't afford to go! I believe some day, when have extra money to see the world, Wayneston Bears will be waiting there for me to pay them a visit!
If you are an artist, I would love to hear how do you feel about letting your creations go to their new homes. If you are a friend of Wayneston Bears, I would love to hear your some of your thoughts too... or just popped by and say hello! =)