Sunday, June 5, 2011

Durian Fiest with friends!

I had a wonderful Durian Fiest with friends yesterday night at Goodwood Park Hotel. Thanks to Tingle for organizing this gathering, we had a wonderful time enjoying the durian treat! Yummy!

According to my Tingle, right now is the season for durians and Goodwood Hotel has a durian dessert buffet once a year. In order for me to enjoy this scrumptious buffet, I chose not to take any lunch and went with an empty stomach =)

Not all people love durians, some of them dislike them because of their unique odour. But to some of us the smell is fragrance! LOL... In fact sometimes my dad would buy some home and we had them for dinner, trust me... eating a few of these makes you feel full!

Do you know that we named the durian as King of Fruits? The durians are grown only at humid regions such as Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia etc. If you ever had a chance to visit these places, do stop by the fruits store to try some =)

Image of Durian


  1. Looks like you had a fine "pigout" Wayne, those deserts look delicious.

    Congratulations on your Nomination too!

  2. Yes I ate a lot that night Sandi. I have to exercise more now to cut down those fats!!


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