Hi everyone! I have returned from my Army duty and back to work today!
At the meantime, I want to share with you a picture of the WIP squirrel I am working on now.
New critter on the way |
In order to be more productive, I bought along my cut out patterns to sew during breaks in my bunk.
I took out from my bag, 2 conditioners filled with mohair, sewing kit and poly-fibre.
The first response when my bunk mates was "WHAT? YOU CAN SEW?"
Bunk mate: "What? You sew???" "What are you sewing?"
Wayne: "Yes, I am sewing a teddy bear"
Bunk mate: "Are you making something similar to Build a Bear?"
Wayne: "No, I design the bear pattern and handmade them from scratch"
Bunk mate: "Who are you making for?"
Wayne: "For a friend in US"
Bunk mate: "How much are you selling them?" "How long does it takes you to make one?".....
After questions and more questions he walked to his bed and slept. The other bunk mates came to me and asked the same questions again... LOL
These are the typical questions that most people asked a bear artist. Most of the questions they are interested is how much can the bear sell for, whether is it profitable, time consuming and easy.
I would say that you have got to be patient, be creative and most importantly - like what you make.
I enjoy making teddy bears even if they don't sell. I have lots of unsold bears at my house and I still keep creating newer bears and animals. I am happy to keep them and I would be most happy if someone that appreciates my work buys my bear, this makes me even more happy than anything. All amount earns from my bear sales returns to the funds in bear-making and this keeps my hobby self-substaining, which means I need not fork out additional money every month. I am glad I have done it well so far, and I hope this keeps going.
I have finished sewing everything and he is now left to be stuffed and jointed.
Getting my fingers crossed on getting to complete him this week and send to my friend before Christmas.
We wish you a wonderful day at work and do pop by again later this week on our progress of this little critter :)
Hugs, Wayne