Monday, November 14, 2011

New Polar Sneigo!

Here's my new polar, his name is Sneigo -  it means “Snow” in Lithuanian Language. This cute baby polar is made from a pattern that was designed by my dear friend Esther Lee. You can see some of Esther's pretty photos just few posts below ^.^
Polar Sneigo is designed to look up into the skies and everytime I looked at him, he has never failed to make me smile. I hope his pictures make you smile too.

He is now available for adoption on my website:

I have taken some pictures of my sister's bear tonight and will share them with you tomorrow.
Have a beautiful day! =)


  1. He's wonderful, Wayne! The fur you chose is perfect for him! Hugs, Janice

  2. Very sweet bear. This may be Esther's pattern but you have given it your own Wayneston's bear style. I love him.


Thank you for writing me a comment! Have a great day! =)