Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Follow me on Pin Interest!

My friend Joanne, has introduced me to Pin-Interest, a website where you can share you ideas, creations and photography etc with the rest of the world! It's like a scrapbook with many pages, you can add images into your page or "steal" images from other users to pin them into your page. By pinning these images into your page, you can achive them (inspirations) into your collection so I can come back to look at them again and again!

This is a wonderful website, whatever image you have pinned has a website linked to it, that way it will links you directly to the page where the image is originated from... hence this might be a good platform to add new followers to your blog or website =) and more people gets to see your works! Brilliant!

You can find me at this link.

One of my pin board. I will be adding more images from time to time.
See you there :)


  1. Dear Wayne, I am following you on Pinterest. Please start filling up your boards so I can steal your pins. "Repinning" is one of my favorite pastimes.


  2. Hahaha, you make me laughed! Ok, I shall do what you says your highness ;)


Thank you for writing me a comment! Have a great day! =)